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Gold Sponsor


With 55 years of electrical and engineering industry excellence and more than 20 branches across Australia and New Zealand, at NHP it is their local people and footprint that helps us understand your specific project needs, no matter how big or small. Choosing NHP will unlock a world of expertise across electrical and automation products, systems and solutions.

  • The power of Local In your local community, city and industry, we understand your specific project needs.

  • The power of Choice Choice in product, technology, service, and support enabling customers to customise and push boundaries.

  • The power of Global Partners With a global network of suppliers, we bring the world's best products and knowledge to your doorstep.

While they go to market with over 20,000 marketed lines, we are much more than a product supplier. Together with their extensive network of global partners, they offer choice in product, choice in technology, choice in service, choice in support and ultimately choice in how you deal with them - whether that be in person or online, where and when you need us.

Bronze Sponsor


Zumtobel Group is a global player in the lighting industry and a leading supplier of innovative lighting solutions through its brands: THORN and Zumtobel. Thorn Lighting is a well-established company in New Zealand with over 86 years of activity in the local market. Combined with Zumtobel’s 70 years of operation, their brands bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that puts us at the pinnacle in the lighting industry.

Panel Discussion Sponsor


Beca is one of Asia Pacific’s largest independent advisory, design and engineering consultancies. After a century of operation, they have grown from a family-owned business to one of the most progressive, client-centric professional services consultancies in our region. They have more than 4,000 employees in 25 offices around the world and have delivered projects in more than 70 countries. 

Morning & Afternoon Tea Sponsor

Caliber Design

Their team of 50+ mechanical engineers work on secondment with clients around New Zealand on a project-by-project basis. They have a diverse range of skills and experience, from machine design, product design, and FEA to project engineering on large industrial sites. Their engineers are seconded to work on your site, collaborating with your team, and working under your guidance.

They provide the essential horsepower your team needs to push projects over the finish line. Whether it’s navigating through peak workloads, filling short-term gaps, or delivering projects on time, their engineers are under your direction, fully focused on the task at hand. Their on-demand resources allow you to scale effortlessly, ensuring that you can tackle any project with the confidence that comes from having expert support. 

Lanyard Sponsor


Beckhoff implements open automation systems using proven PC-based control technology. The main areas that the product range covers are industrial PCs, I/O and fieldbus components, drive technology, automation software, control cabinet-free automation, and hardware for machine vision. Product ranges that can be used as separate components or integrated into a complete and mutually compatible control system are available for all sectors.

Their New Automation Technology stands for universal and industry-independent control and automation solutions that are used worldwide in a large variety of different applications, ranging from CNC-controlled machine tools to intelligent building control.

Keynote Speaker Sponsor

ERGO Consulting

At Ergo we aspire to be New Zealand’s first choice provider of engineering consultancy services to the power and energy industry. We love engineering and design, and love sharing this passion with others. Doing a great job and getting it right is important to us.

  • Power Systems

  • Civil & Structural

  • Geographic Information Systems

  • Strategic Consulting

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